打开终端 在终端输入$ sudo gem install cocoapods命令 创建新的Xcode项目 导航到包含Xcode项目的目录。使用cd " ../directory-location/..或CD[拖放项目文件夹] 圆荚体安装
Open terminal and type: sudo gem install cocoapods The Gem will get installed in Ruby inside the System library. Or try on Mac OS X v10.11 (El Capitan), type: sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods If there is an error "activesupport requires Ruby version >= 2.xx", then install latest activesupport first by typing in the terminal. sudo gem install activesupport -v 4.2.6 After installation, there will be a lot of messages. Read them and if no error found, it means the CocoaPods installation is done. Next, you need to setup the CocoaPods master repository. Type in the terminal: pod setup And wait it will download the master repository. The size is very big (370.0 MB in December 2016). So it can be a while. You can track of the download by opening Activity and go to the Network tab and search for "git-remote-https". Alternatively, you can try adding "--verbose" to the command like so: pod setup --verbose Once done, it will output "Setup Complete", and you can create your Xcode project and save it. Then in the terminal, cd to your Xcode project root directory (where your .xcodeproj file resides) and type: pod init Then open your project's podfile by typing in terminal: open -a Xcode Podfile Your Podfile will get open in text mode. Initially there will be some default commands in there. Here is where you add your project's dependencies. For example, in the podfile, type pod 'AFNetworking', '0.9.1' (This line is an example of adding the AFNetworking library to your project.) Other tips: Uncomment platform :ios, '9.0' Uncomment use_frameworks! if you're using Swift When you are done editing the podfile, save it and close Xcode. Then install pods into your project by typing in terminal: pod install or (For m1 chip) arch -x86_64 pod install Depending how many libraries you added to your podfile for your project, the time to complete this varies. Once completed, there will be a message that says "Pod installation complete! There are X dependencies from the Podfile and X total pods installed." Now close your Xcode project. Then locate and open the .xcworkspace Xcode project file and start coding. (You should no longer open the xcodeproj file.)
在更新到macOS 12.1后,我在mac上也遇到了同样的问题 此外,在mac机器上安装Ruby框架可能会出现错误。
你只需要从mac中完全移除可可荚,然后重新安装cocoapods 然后重新安装项目吊舱
这适用于Mac OS X v10.11。x (El Capitan)
sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods
在此之后,您可以使用pod setup cmd设置pod,然后移动到您的项目目录并安装pod。
打开终端 终端命令:sudo gem install cocoapods 在终端中设置项目路径。 命令:pod init 转到项目的pod文件,并添加要安装的pod 添加到pod文件:pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 3.0 . 命令:Pod install 关闭Xcode项目 从终端打开项目 命令:打开PodDemos.xcworkspace
对我来说,最简单的方法是通过Ruby gem安装:
sudo gem install cocoapods -v