例如,您为用户/9运行一个GET请求,但没有id为#9的用户。 哪个是最佳响应码?

200好了 202年接受 204无内容 400错误请求 404未找到



在HTTP和REST中,URL标识一个资源,该用户/9资源包括9。因此HTTP应该返回404—未找到。这就是RESTful的定义。之后,你可以PUT user/9,然后当你得到下一次,你得到数据。这就是HTTP和REST的设计方式。

在HTTP级别,如果你不想要404,一个更好的URL会是user?Id =9,那么用户部分将被找到,函数可以进行自己的处理并返回它自己的“未找到”通知。

然而,为了方便指定api,使用user/9格式“更好”。这给我们留下了一个困境:这个请求是通过HTTP发出的,(固执的)正确的HTTP答案是404;但是从API使用者的角度来看,框架可能不能很好地处理404,他们想要200 +一个“not found”有效负载(204对许多框架来说也可能是问题)。

这种将API放在已经定义的协议(HTTP)之上的做法导致了这种紧张。当设计成一个真正的RESTful API时(并且正确地处理404错误),这是没有问题的。

如果您认为user/9应该返回200 +“not found”,那么您使用user作为RPC端点,然后在URL的其余部分编码参数。我认为这是一种糟糕的设计,与RESTful规范相反,并且完全理解我们是如何走到这一步的。








204 No Content作为浏览器的响应代码并不是特别有用(尽管根据HTTP规范,浏览器需要将其理解为“不要更改视图”的响应代码)。 然而,No Content对于ajax web服务非常有用,它可能想要表示成功而不需要返回任何东西。(特别是在DELETE或post这样不需要反馈的情况下)。



200 should be returned with the body of whatever you successfully fetched. Not appropriate when the entity you're fetching doesn't exist. 202 is used when the server has begun work on an object but the object isn't fully ready yet. Certainly not the case here. You haven't begun, nor will you begin, construction of user 9 in response to a GET request. That breaks all sorts of rules. 400 is used in response to a poorly formatted HTTP request (for instance malformed http headers, incorrectly ordered segments, etc). This will almost certainly be handled by whatever framework you're using. You shouldn't have to deal with this unless you're writing your own server from scratch. Edit: Newer RFCs now allow for 400 to be used for semantically invalid requests.

维基百科对HTTP状态码的描述尤其有用。 您也可以在www.w3.org上看到HTTP/1.1 RFC2616文档中的定义

Just an addition from a developer that struggled many times with this situation. As you might have noticed it is always a discussion whether you return a 404 or 200 or 204 when a particular resource does not exist. The discussion above shows that this topic is pretty confusing and opinion based ( while there is a http-status-code standard existing ). I personally recommend, as it was not mentioned yet I guess, no matter how you decide DOCUMENT IT IN YOUR API-DEFINITION. Of course a client-side developer has in mind when he/she uses your particular "REST"- api to use his/her knowledge about Rest and expects that your api works this way. I guess you see the trap. Therefor I use a readme where I explicitly define in which cases I use which status code. This doesn't mean that I use some random definion. I always try to use the standard but to avoid such cases I document my usage. The client might think you are wrong in some specific cases but as it is documented, there is no need for additional discussions what saves time for you and the developer.

One sentence to the Ops question: 404 is a code that always comes in my mind when I think back about starting to develop backend-applications and I configured something wrong in my controller-route so that my Controller method is not called. With that in mind, I think if the request does reach your code in a Controller method, the client did a valid request and the request endpoint was found. So this is an indication not to use 404. If the db query returns not found, I return 200 but with an empty body.



METHOD  URL                      STATUS  RESPONSE
GET     /users                   200     [John, Peter]
GET     /users/john              200     John
GET     /unknown-url-egaer       404     Not Found
GET     /users/kyle              404     User Not found
GET     /users?name=kyle`        200     []
DELETE  /users/john              204     No Content


the search returns an array, it just didn't have any matches but it has content: an empty array. 404 is of course best known for url's that aren't supported by the requested server, but a missing resource is in fact the same. Even though /users/:name is matched with users/kyle, the user Kyle is not available resource so a 404 still applies. It isn't a search query, it is a direct reference by a dynamic url, so 404 it is. After suggestions in the comments, customizing the message of the 404 is another way of helping out the API consumer to even better distinguish between complete unknown routes and missing entities.


如果期望资源存在,但它可能是空的,我认为它可能更容易得到一个200 OK的表示,表明这个东西是空的。

因此,我宁愿让/things返回一个带有{"Items":[]}的200 OK,而不是一个没有任何内容的204,因为这样,一个包含0项的集合可以被视为一个包含一个或多个项目的集合。

我将把204 No Content留给put和delete,在这种情况下,可能真的没有有用的表示。
