我对IntelliJ有问题。在左边的项目视图中没有显示任何文件夹。 我的设置是“查看为:项目” 我如何管理它,以便再次显示文件夹和包? 我什么都不知道,因为我没有改变任何选项!

我使用的是IntelliJ 10.0.3。 我正在做一个Maven升降机项目。


I have a better solution that worked for me and it might work for you. No need to delete the whole .idea folder as this way you lose the whole project. It is possible that you just accidentally excluded all folders in project settings. I also found that project folders disappeared. I was trying to find out how to disable indexing, so I was looking at Project Settings -> Modules and I clicked on Excluded to see if I could add the whole project there to ignore it for indexing. It didn't do anything and I couldn't drag and drop the folder under Excluded. What I didn't realize is that simply clicking "Excluded", IntelliJ automatically moves the folder to Excluded and all folders disappeared in Project Explorer. "Excluded" button changes background to gray, which means exclusion is active. This is a very poor user interface because it is hardly noticeable and clicking this button has a far-reaching impact on your project.


打开项目设置->模块 如果“排除”突出显示,单击它 单击应用或关闭

结果: 项目中的文件夹再次显示出来




我不得不退出Intellij并删除。idea文件夹(我先把它藏起来,以防万一)。然后我重新打开了这个项目,这对我来说很有效。 不要忘记在此之前保存你的配置(例如调试/运行配置),因为它们也会被删除。



你不必完全退出Intellij来完成这个工作。只需关闭已打开的项目。(您可以打开任何其他项目,以避免完全关闭) 转到已安装项目的目录并删除“。想法”文件夹中。 重新打开项目。


将。idea文件夹备份为zip文件 删除。idea文件夹 重新打开项目 关闭项目 将备份文件解压到新生成的.idea文件夹中 重新打开项目 赞美太阳☀️\[T]/
