





var TimeInChild = React.createClass({ render: function() { var t = new Date().getTime(); return ( <p>Time in child:{t}</p> ); } }); var Main = React.createClass({ onTest: function() { this.setState({'test':'me'}); }, render: function() { var currentTime = new Date().getTime(); return ( <div onClick={this.onTest}> <p>Time in main:{currentTime}</p> <p>Click me to update time</p> <TimeInChild/> </div> ); } }); ReactDOM.render(<Main/>, document.body); <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script>



Whenever a component is dirty (its state changed), that component and its children are re-rendered. This, to some extent, is to re-render as little as possible. The only time when render isn't called is when some branch is moved to another root, where theoretically we don't need to re-render anything. In your example, TimeInChild is a child component of Main, so it also gets re-rendered when the state of Main changes. React doesn't compare state data. When setState is called, it marks the component as dirty (which means it needs to be re-rendered). The important thing to note is that although render method of the component is called, the real DOM is only updated if the output is different from the current DOM tree (a.k.a diffing between the Virtual DOM tree and document's DOM tree). In your example, even though the state data hasn't changed, the time of last change did, making Virtual DOM different from the document's DOM, hence why the HTML is updated.







默认情况下,shouldComponentUpdate总是返回true来防止 细微的bug发生时状态是突变的,但如果小心的话 始终将状态视为不可变的,并且从props和state到只读 在render()中,您可以使用 实现,将旧的道具和状态与其进行比较 更换。




Virtual DOM renders: when render method is called it returns a new virtual dom structure of the component. As I mentioned before, this render method is called always when you call setState(), because shouldComponentUpdate always returns true by default. So, by default, there is no optimization here in React. Native DOM renders: React changes real DOM nodes in your browser only if they were changed in the Virtual DOM and as little as needed - this is that great React's feature which optimizes real DOM mutation and makes React fast.


Whenever a component is dirty (its state changed), that component and its children are re-rendered. This, to some extent, is to re-render as little as possible. The only time when render isn't called is when some branch is moved to another root, where theoretically we don't need to re-render anything. In your example, TimeInChild is a child component of Main, so it also gets re-rendered when the state of Main changes. React doesn't compare state data. When setState is called, it marks the component as dirty (which means it needs to be re-rendered). The important thing to note is that although render method of the component is called, the real DOM is only updated if the output is different from the current DOM tree (a.k.a diffing between the Virtual DOM tree and document's DOM tree). In your example, even though the state data hasn't changed, the time of last change did, making Virtual DOM different from the document's DOM, hence why the HTML is updated.


注意任何事件。preventdefault ();在你想要通过状态\ props改变重新呈现的代码中,因为它将取消此语句之后的任何可取消事件。


React 18及以上

从React 18开始,所有状态更新都是自动批处理的。通过这种方式,React将多个状态更新分组到一个单独的重新渲染中,以获得更好的性能。


你可以在React 18的自动批处理公告中阅读很长的解释。

React 17及以下

在React 17及以下版本中,只有React事件处理程序内部的更新是批处理的。由promise、setTimeout、本机事件处理程序或其他事件触发的更新在React中默认不批量处理。