I will try to answer the question of "why". Imagine a situation where you have a huge database with a lot of columns in a table, and your project/system uses tools to generate entities from database. (Hibernate has those, etc...) Now, suppose that by your business logic you need a particular field NOT to be persisted. You have to "configure" your entity in a particular way. While Transient keyword works on an object - as it behaves within a java language, the @Transient only designed to answer the tasks that pertains only to persistence tasks.
public enum Gender { MALE, FEMALE, UNKNOWN }
public Person {
private Gender g;
private long id;
public long getId() { return id; }
public void setId(long id) { = id; }
public Gender getGender() { return g; }
public void setGender(Gender g) { this.g = g; }
public boolean isMale() {
return Gender.MALE.equals(g);
public boolean isFemale() {
return Gender.FEMALE.equals(g);
I will try to answer the question of "why". Imagine a situation where you have a huge database with a lot of columns in a table, and your project/system uses tools to generate entities from database. (Hibernate has those, etc...) Now, suppose that by your business logic you need a particular field NOT to be persisted. You have to "configure" your entity in a particular way. While Transient keyword works on an object - as it behaves within a java language, the @Transient only designed to answer the tasks that pertains only to persistence tasks.
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