

$ mkdir foo
$ cd foo
$ git init .
Initialized empty Git repository in /.../foo/.git/
$ git submodule add ssh://user@host/git/mod mod
Cloning into mod...
user@host's password: hunter2
remote: Counting objects: 131, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (115/115), done.
remote: Total 131 (delta 54), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (131/131), 16.16 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (54/54), done.
$ git commit -m "Hello world."
[master (root-commit) 565b235] Hello world.
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 .gitmodules
 create mode 160000 mod
# At this point, ssh://user@host/git/mod changes; submodule needs to change too.
$ git submodule init
Submodule 'mod' (ssh://user@host/git/mod) registered for path 'mod'
$ git submodule update
$ git submodule sync
Synchronizing submodule url for 'mod'
$ git submodule update
$ man git-submodule 
$ git submodule update --rebase
$ git submodule update
$ echo $?
$ git status
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
$ git submodule update mod
$ ...

我也尝试过git fetch mod,它似乎做了一个取回(但不可能,因为它不提示密码!),但git日志和git显示否认新提交的存在。到目前为止,我只是在rm-ing模块并重新添加它,但这在原则上是错误的,在实践中也很乏味。




# Option 1: as a **user** of the outer repo, pull the latest changes of the
# sub-repos as previously specified (pointed to as commit hashes) by developers
# of this outer repo.
# - This recursively updates all git submodules to their commit hash pointers as
#   currently committed in the outer repo.
git submodule update --init --recursive

# Option 2. As a **developer** of the outer repo, update all subrepos to force
# them each to pull the latest changes from their respective upstreams (ex: via
# `git pull origin main` or `git pull origin master`, or similar, for each
# sub-repo). 
git submodule update --init --recursive --remote

# now add and commit these subrepo changes
git add -A
git commit -m "Update all subrepos to their latest upstream changes"


Option 1: as a user of the outer repo, trying to get all submodules into the state intended by the developers of the outer repo: git submodule update --init --recursive Option 2: as a developer of the outer repo, trying to update all submodules to the latest commit pushed to the default branch of each of their remote repos (ie: update all subrepos to the latest state intended by the developers of each subrepo): git submodule update --init --recursive --remote ...in place of using git submodule foreach --recursive git pull origin master or git submodule foreach --recursive git pull origin main.



the --init part above initializes the submodule in case you just cloned the repo and haven't done that yet --recursive does this for submodules within submodules, recursively down forever and --remote says to update the submodule to the latest commit on the default branch on the default remote for the submodule. It is like doing git pull origin master or git pull origin main in most cases, for example, for each submodule. If you want to update to the commit specified by the outer-most repo (super repo) instead, leave --remote off.

Git子模块foreach——递归Git pull(不要用这个——它经常失败)vs Git子模块update——递归——远程(用这个!——它总是有效的)


Basically, for some situations, git submodule foreach --recursive git pull might work. For others, git submodule foreach --recursive git pull origin master might be what you need instead. For others, git submodule foreach --recursive git pull origin main might be what you need. And for others still, none of those might work! You might need git submodule foreach --recursive git pull upstream develop, for instance. OR, even worse, there might not be any git submodule foreach command which works for your outer repo, as each submodule might require a different command to update itself from its default remote and default branch. In all cases I can find, however, this does work, including for all cases you might use one of the several git submodule foreach commands I just presented above. So, use this instead:

git submodule update --recursive --remote


(1/4) @DavidZ, a lot of people think that git submodule foreach git pull and git submodule update --remote are the same thing, with the latter simply being the newer command. They aren't the same thing, however. git submodule foreach git pull will fail under multiple circumstances for which git submodule update --remote works just fine! If your submodule points to a commit hash that doesn't have a branch pointing to it, which is frequently the case in real-life development where you want a particular version of the submodule for your outer repo, then that submodule... (2/4)...is in a detached HEAD state. In this case, git submodule foreach git pull fails to run git pull on that submodule since a detached HEAD cannot have an upstream branch. git submodule update --remote, however, works just fine! It appears to call git pull origin main on that submodule if origin is the default remote and main is the default branch on that default remote, or git pull origin master, for instance, if origin is the default remote but master is the default branch. (3/4) Furthemore, git submodule foreach git pull origin master will even fail in many cases where git submodule update --remote works just fine, since many submodules use master as the default branch, and many other submodules use main as the default branch since GitHub changed from master to main recently in order to get away from terms related to slavery in the United States ("master" and "slave"). (4/4) So, I added the explicit remote and branch to make it more clear that they are frequently needed, and to remind people that git pull is frequently not enough, and git pull origin master may not work, and git pull origin main may work when the former doesn't, but also may not even work, and that none of them by themselves are the same as git submodule update --remote, since that latter command is smart enough to just do git pull <default_remote> <default_branch> for you for each submodule, apparently adjusting the remote and branch as necessary for each submodule.


如何找到一个回购的主要分支:https://stackoverflow.com/a/49384283/4561887 如何通过git子模块foreach运行自定义命令来更新每个subrepo <cmd>: https://stackoverflow.com/a/45744725/4561887 Man git子模块-然后搜索foreach,——remote等。






git submodule foreach git pull origin BRANCH
git submodule update




git submodule foreach git pull origin BRANCH
git add module_1_name
git add module_2_name
git add module_n_name
git push origin BRANCH


通过每个子模块进行自动迭代,更新父存储库指针(使用git add)以指向子模块的头部,这很酷。





if [ -z $APP_PATH ]; then
  echo "Missing 1st argument: should be path to folder of a git repo";
  exit 1;


if [ -z $BRANCH ]; then
  echo "Missing 2nd argument (branch name)";
  exit 1;

echo "Working in: $APP_PATH"

git checkout $BRANCH && git pull --ff origin $BRANCH

git submodule sync
git submodule init
git submodule update
git submodule foreach "(git checkout $BRANCH && git pull --ff origin $BRANCH && git push origin $BRANCH) || true"

for i in $(git submodule foreach --quiet 'echo $path')
  echo "Adding $i to root repo"
  git add "$i"

git commit -m "Updated $BRANCH branch of deployment repo to point to latest head of submodules"
git push origin $BRANCH


git-update-submodules.sh /path/to/base/repo BRANCH_NAME


首先,我假设名称为$ branch(第二个参数)的分支存在于所有存储库中。你可以让这个问题变得更复杂。


git checkout $BRANCH && git pull --ff origin $BRANCH


git submodule sync
git submodule init
git submodule update


git submodule foreach "(git checkout $BRANCH && git pull --ff origin $BRANCH && git push origin $BRANCH) || true"

注意几件事:首先,我使用&& -链接一些Git命令,这意味着前一个命令必须正确执行。


最后,|| true确保脚本继续错误。要做到这一点,迭代中的所有内容都必须用双引号括起来,Git命令用圆括号括起来(操作符优先级)。


for i in $(git submodule foreach --quiet 'echo $path')
  echo "Adding $i to root repo"
  git add "$i"

用——quiet迭代所有子模块-,这将删除' entered MODULE_PATH'输出。使用'echo $path'(必须是单引号),子模块的路径被写入输出。

这个相对子模块路径列表被捕获在一个数组中($(…))-最后迭代这个,并执行git add $i来更新父库。






# Get the submodule initially
git submodule add ssh://bla submodule_dir
git submodule init

# Time passes, submodule upstream is updated
# and you now want to update

# Change to the submodule directory
cd submodule_dir

# Checkout desired branch
git checkout master

# Update
git pull

# Get back to your project root
cd ..

# Now the submodules are in the state you want, so
git commit -am "Pulled down update to submodule_dir"


git submodule foreach git pull origin master


git submodule foreach git pull origin $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)


Git 1.8.2提供了一个新选项——remote,它将启用这种行为。运行

git submodule update --remote --merge


——远程 此选项仅对update命令有效。与其使用超项目记录的SHA-1来更新子模块,不如使用子模块的远程跟踪分支的状态。

这相当于在每个子模块中运行git pull <remote> <default_branch>(通常是git pull origin master或git pull origin main),这通常正是你想要的。



在每个git命令的末尾 例子:

git fetch --recurse-submodules


git pull --update --recurse-submodules
