


git log --pretty=format:'' | wc -l




Git shortlog本身并没有解决提交总数的原始问题(没有按作者分组)

这是事实,git rev-list HEAD—count仍然是最简单的答案。

然而,随着Git 2.29(2020年Q4)的出现,“Git shortlog”(man)变得更加精确。 它已经被教导根据预告行内容来分组提交,比如“审阅者:”,“合著者:”,等等。

参见Jeff King (peff)的commit 63d24fa、commit 56d5dde、commit 87abb96、commit f17b0b9、commit 47beb37、commit f0939a0、commit 92338c4(2020年9月27日)和commit 45d93eb(2020年9月25日)。 (由Junio C Hamano—gitster—在commit 2fa8aac中合并,2020年10月4日)

Shortlog:允许指定多个组 署名:杰夫·金

Now that shortlog supports reading from trailers, it can be useful to combine counts from multiple trailers, or between trailers and authors. This can be done manually by post-processing the output from multiple runs, but it's non-trivial to make sure that each name/commit pair is counted only once. This patch teaches shortlog to accept multiple --group options on the command line, and pull data from all of them. That makes it possible to run: git shortlog -ns --group=author --group=trailer:co-authored-by to get a shortlog that counts authors and co-authors equally. The implementation is mostly straightforward. The "group" enum becomes a bitfield, and the trailer key becomes a list. I didn't bother implementing the multi-group semantics for reading from stdin. It would be possible to do, but the existing matching code makes it awkward, and I doubt anybody cares. The duplicate suppression we used for trailers now covers authors and committers as well (though in non-trailer single-group mode we can skip the hash insertion and lookup, since we only see one value per commit). There is one subtlety: we now care about the case when no group bit is set (in which case we default to showing the author). The caller in builtin/log.c needs to be adapted to ask explicitly for authors, rather than relying on shortlog_init(). It would be possible with some gymnastics to make this keep working as-is, but it's not worth it for a single caller.

Git shortlog现在包含在它的手册页中:

——组= <类型> 分组提交基于<类型>。如果没有——group选项为 指定时,默认为author。<type>是其中之一: 作者,提交按作者分组 提交器,提交按提交器分组(与-c相同) 这是——group=committer的别名。


如果多次指定——group,则每次提交都被计数 值(但同样,在该提交中只对每个惟一值执行一次)。为 例如,git shortlog——group=author——group=trailer:co-author -by 包括作者和合著者。



export GIT_REV_COUNT=`git rev-list --all --count`


alias gc="git rev-list --all --count"      #Or whatever name you wish

像这样使用git shortlog

git shortlog -sec


#按提交量显示贡献者 别名gcall="git shortlog -sn"


 git log --oneline | wc -l


git rev-parse——短头