
func TestPrintSomething(t *testing.T) {
    fmt.Println("Say hi")

当我在这个文件上运行go test时,输出如下:

ok      command-line-arguments  0.004s


func TestPrintSomethingAgain(t *testing.T) {
    t.Error("Say hi")


Say hi
--- FAIL: TestPrintSomethingAgain (0.00 seconds)
    foo_test.go:35: Say hi
FAIL    command-line-arguments  0.003s
gom:  exit status 1



* _t。go文件和其他文件一样是一个go源文件,如果你需要转储复杂的数据结构,你可以每次初始化一个新的日志记录器,这里有一个例子:

// initZapLog is delegated to initialize a new 'log manager'
func initZapLog() *zap.Logger {
    config := zap.NewDevelopmentConfig()
    config.EncoderConfig.EncodeLevel = zapcore.CapitalColorLevelEncoder
    config.EncoderConfig.TimeKey = "timestamp"
    config.EncoderConfig.EncodeTime = zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder
    logger, _ := config.Build()
    return logger


func TestCreateDB(t *testing.T) {
    loggerMgr := initZapLog()
    // Make logger avaible everywhere
    defer loggerMgr.Sync() // flushes buffer, if any
    logger := loggerMgr.Sugar()
    conf := initConf()
    /* Your test here
    if false {



是的:包括Go 1.13(2019年8月)之前都是这样。


Consider the following (silly) automated tests: func TestFoo(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() for i := 0; i < 15; i++ { t.Logf("%d", i) time.Sleep(3 * time.Second) } } func TestBar(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() for i := 0; i < 15; i++ { t.Logf("%d", i) time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) } } func TestBaz(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() for i := 0; i < 15; i++ { t.Logf("%d", i) time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) } } If I run go test -v, I get no log output until all of TestFoo is done, then no output until all of TestBar is done, and again no more output until all of TestBaz is done. This is fine if the tests are working, but if there is some sort of bug, there are a few cases where buffering log output is problematic: When iterating locally, I want to be able to make a change, run my tests, see what's happening in the logs immediately to understand what's going on, hit CTRL+C to shut the test down early if necessary, make another change, re-run the tests, and so on. If TestFoo is slow (e.g., it's an integration test), I get no log output until the very end of the test. This significantly slows down iteration. If TestFoo has a bug that causes it to hang and never complete, I'd get no log output whatsoever. In these cases, t.Log and t.Logf are of no use at all. This makes debugging very difficult. Moreover, not only do I get no log output, but if the test hangs too long, either the Go test timeout kills the test after 10 minutes, or if I increase that timeout, many CI servers will also kill off tests if there is no log output after a certain amount of time (e.g., 10 minutes in CircleCI). So now my tests are killed and I have nothing in the logs to tell me what happened.

但(可能)Go 1.14(2020年Q1): CL 127120



=== RUN   TestFoo
=== PAUSE TestFoo
=== RUN   TestBar
=== PAUSE TestBar
=== RUN   TestBaz
=== PAUSE TestBaz
=== CONT  TestFoo
=== CONT  TestBaz
    main_test.go:30: 0
=== CONT  TestFoo
    main_test.go:12: 0
=== CONT  TestBar
    main_test.go:21: 0
=== CONT  TestBaz
    main_test.go:30: 1
    main_test.go:30: 2
=== CONT  TestBar
    main_test.go:21: 1
=== CONT  TestFoo
    main_test.go:12: 1
=== CONT  TestBaz
    main_test.go:30: 3
    main_test.go:30: 4
=== CONT  TestBar
    main_test.go:21: 2
=== CONT  TestBaz
    main_test.go:30: 5
=== CONT  TestFoo
    main_test.go:12: 2
=== CONT  TestBar
    main_test.go:21: 3
=== CONT  TestBaz
    main_test.go:30: 6
    main_test.go:30: 7
=== CONT  TestBar
    main_test.go:21: 4
=== CONT  TestBaz
    main_test.go:30: 8
=== CONT  TestFoo
    main_test.go:12: 3
=== CONT  TestBaz
    main_test.go:30: 9
=== CONT  TestBar
    main_test.go:21: 5
=== CONT  TestBaz
    main_test.go:30: 10
    main_test.go:30: 11
=== CONT  TestFoo
    main_test.go:12: 4
=== CONT  TestBar
    main_test.go:21: 6
=== CONT  TestBaz
    main_test.go:30: 12
    main_test.go:30: 13
=== CONT  TestBar
    main_test.go:21: 7
=== CONT  TestBaz
    main_test.go:30: 14
=== CONT  TestFoo
    main_test.go:12: 5
--- PASS: TestBaz (15.01s)
=== CONT  TestBar
    main_test.go:21: 8
=== CONT  TestFoo
    main_test.go:12: 6
=== CONT  TestBar
    main_test.go:21: 9
    main_test.go:21: 10
=== CONT  TestFoo
    main_test.go:12: 7
=== CONT  TestBar
    main_test.go:21: 11
=== CONT  TestFoo
    main_test.go:12: 8
=== CONT  TestBar
    main_test.go:21: 12
    main_test.go:21: 13
=== CONT  TestFoo
    main_test.go:12: 9
=== CONT  TestBar
    main_test.go:21: 14
=== CONT  TestFoo
    main_test.go:12: 10
--- PASS: TestBar (30.01s)
=== CONT  TestFoo
    main_test.go:12: 11
    main_test.go:12: 12
    main_test.go:12: 13
    main_test.go:12: 14
--- PASS: TestFoo (45.02s)
ok      command-line-arguments  45.022s

它确实在Go 1.14中,正如Dave Cheney在“Go test -v流输出”中所证明的那样:

在Go 1.14中,Go test -v将在t.Log输出发生时进行流处理,而不是将其保存到测试运行结束。

下Go 1.14的fmt。Println和t.Log行是交错的,而不是等待测试完成,这表明当使用go test -v时,测试输出是流的。


对于在测试失败时经常长时间重试的集成风格测试来说,这是一个很大的生活质量改进。 流化t.Log输出将帮助Gophers调试这些测试失败,而不必等到整个测试超时才能接收它们的输出。


来自@VonC和@voidlogic的答案非常棒,但我想引起以下线程的注意,以防有人正在运行go test -v ./…: https://github.com/golang/go/issues/46959


例如:执行go test -v -count=1 -run TestOnlyOneInstanceOfThisTestExists ./multiple/packages/exist/below/…仅在测试完成后打印日志。

但是,执行go test -v -count=1 -run TestOnlyOneInstanceOfThisTestExists ./this/path/points/to/one/package/only/…将按预期输出流。

* _t。go文件和其他文件一样是一个go源文件,如果你需要转储复杂的数据结构,你可以每次初始化一个新的日志记录器,这里有一个例子:

// initZapLog is delegated to initialize a new 'log manager'
func initZapLog() *zap.Logger {
    config := zap.NewDevelopmentConfig()
    config.EncoderConfig.EncodeLevel = zapcore.CapitalColorLevelEncoder
    config.EncoderConfig.TimeKey = "timestamp"
    config.EncoderConfig.EncodeTime = zapcore.ISO8601TimeEncoder
    logger, _ := config.Build()
    return logger


func TestCreateDB(t *testing.T) {
    loggerMgr := initZapLog()
    // Make logger avaible everywhere
    defer loggerMgr.Sync() // flushes buffer, if any
    logger := loggerMgr.Sugar()
    conf := initConf()
    /* Your test here
    if false {


package g 

import (

func TestSomething(t *testing.T) {

func setup() {
    fmt.Println("setting up")

func teardown() {
    fmt.Println("tearing down")

func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
    result := m.Run()
$ go test -v g_test.go 
setting up
=== RUN   TestSomething
    g_test.go:10: later
--- SKIP: TestSomething (0.00s)
tearing down
ok      command-line-arguments  0.002s


fmt.Fprintln(os.Stdout, "hello")


fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "hello")