例子: 下面的代码对JSON规范有效吗?
precision: "zip"
"precision": "zip"
例子: 下面的代码对JSON规范有效吗?
precision: "zip"
"precision": "zip"
Since you can put "parent.child" dotted notation and you don't have to put parent["child"] which is also valid and useful, I'd say both ways is technically acceptable. The parsers all should do both ways just fine. If your parser does not need quotes on keys then it's probably better not to put them (saves space). It makes sense to call them strings because that is what they are, and since the square brackets gives you the ability to use values for keys essentially it makes perfect sense not to. In Json you can put...
>var keyName = "someKey";
>var obj = {[keyName]:"someValue"};
Object {someKey: "someValue"}
这很好,没有问题,如果你需要一个键的值,没有引号是行不通的,所以如果它没有,你不能,所以你不会所以“你不需要对键加引号”。即使严格来说它们是字符串。逻辑和用法却不这么认为。它也没有正式输出Object {"someKey": "someValue"},在我们的例子中,从任何浏览器的控制台运行的obj。
对于常规JSON, yes键必须被引用。但如果你需要其他的,签出广泛使用的JSON5,之所以这样命名是因为它是JSON的超集,允许ES5语法,包括:
不带引号的属性键 单引号,转义和多行字符串 备选号码格式 评论 多余的空格
JSON5引用实现(JSON5 npm包)提供了一个JSON5对象,该对象具有与内置JSON对象相同的参数和语义的parse和stringify方法。
JSON5开始于2012年,截至2022年,现在每周有6500万次下载,在npm最依赖的包中排名前0.1%,并已被诸如Chromium, Next.js, Babel, Retool, WebStorm等主要项目采用。它在MacOS和iOS等苹果平台上也有原生支持。 ~ json5.org主页
Since you can put "parent.child" dotted notation and you don't have to put parent["child"] which is also valid and useful, I'd say both ways is technically acceptable. The parsers all should do both ways just fine. If your parser does not need quotes on keys then it's probably better not to put them (saves space). It makes sense to call them strings because that is what they are, and since the square brackets gives you the ability to use values for keys essentially it makes perfect sense not to. In Json you can put...
>var keyName = "someKey";
>var obj = {[keyName]:"someValue"};
Object {someKey: "someValue"}
这很好,没有问题,如果你需要一个键的值,没有引号是行不通的,所以如果它没有,你不能,所以你不会所以“你不需要对键加引号”。即使严格来说它们是字符串。逻辑和用法却不这么认为。它也没有正式输出Object {"someKey": "someValue"},在我们的例子中,从任何浏览器的控制台运行的obj。
" chars "
使用字符串作为键是正确的。以下是来自RFC 4627 - JavaScript对象表示法(json)的应用程序/json媒体类型
2.2. Objects An object structure is represented as a pair of curly brackets surrounding zero or more name/value pairs (or members). A name is a string. A single colon comes after each name, separating the name from the value. A single comma separates a value from a following name. The names within an object SHOULD be unique. object = begin-object [ member *( value-separator member ) ] end-object member = string name-separator value [...] 2.5. Strings The representation of strings is similar to conventions used in the C family of programming languages. A string begins and ends with quotation marks. [...] string = quotation-mark *char quotation-mark quotation-mark = %x22 ; "