

Fetch和Axios在功能上非常相似,但为了更多的向后兼容性,Axios似乎工作得更好(例如,Fetch在IE 11中不能工作,请查看这篇文章)。


获取JSON post请求

let url = 'https://someurl.com';
let options = {
            method: 'POST',
            mode: 'cors',
            headers: {
                'Accept': 'application/json',
                'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'
            body: JSON.stringify({
                property_one: value_one,
                property_two: value_two
let response = await fetch(url, options);
let responseOK = response && response.ok;
if (responseOK) {
    let data = await response.json();
    // do something with data

Axios JSON post请求

let url = 'https://someurl.com';
let options = {
            method: 'POST',
            url: url,
            headers: {
                'Accept': 'application/json',
                'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'
            data: {
                property_one: value_one,
                property_two: value_two
let response = await axios(options);
let responseOK = response && response.status === 200 && response.statusText === 'OK';
if (responseOK) {
    let data = await response.data;
    // do something with data


Fetch's body = Axios' data Fetch's body has to be stringified, Axios' data contains the object Fetch has no url in request object, Axios has url in request object Fetch request function includes the url as parameter, Axios request function does not include the url as parameter. Fetch request is ok when response object contains the ok property, Axios request is ok when status is 200 and statusText is 'OK' To get the json object response: in fetch call the json() function on the response object, in Axios get data property of the response object.


Axios是一个基于承诺的HTTP客户端库,而Fetch是一个用于发出API请求的javascript API。




与获取API相比,Axios具有更好的错误处理。Axios可以抛出400到500个范围的状态代码错误,而在fetch API中,您需要手动处理这些错误。 更多信息请访问:https://bariablogger.in/f/axios-vs-fetch-react

Fetch和Axios在功能上非常相似,但为了更多的向后兼容性,Axios似乎工作得更好(例如,Fetch在IE 11中不能工作,请查看这篇文章)。


获取JSON post请求

let url = 'https://someurl.com';
let options = {
            method: 'POST',
            mode: 'cors',
            headers: {
                'Accept': 'application/json',
                'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'
            body: JSON.stringify({
                property_one: value_one,
                property_two: value_two
let response = await fetch(url, options);
let responseOK = response && response.ok;
if (responseOK) {
    let data = await response.json();
    // do something with data

Axios JSON post请求

let url = 'https://someurl.com';
let options = {
            method: 'POST',
            url: url,
            headers: {
                'Accept': 'application/json',
                'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'
            data: {
                property_one: value_one,
                property_two: value_two
let response = await axios(options);
let responseOK = response && response.status === 200 && response.statusText === 'OK';
if (responseOK) {
    let data = await response.data;
    // do something with data


Fetch's body = Axios' data Fetch's body has to be stringified, Axios' data contains the object Fetch has no url in request object, Axios has url in request object Fetch request function includes the url as parameter, Axios request function does not include the url as parameter. Fetch request is ok when response object contains the ok property, Axios request is ok when status is 200 and statusText is 'OK' To get the json object response: in fetch call the json() function on the response object, in Axios get data property of the response object.


// request-promise-native
const body = request({ url: url, json: true })
const res = await t.throws(body);

// node-fetch
const body = await fetch(url)
console.log(await body.json())

// Axios
const body = axios.get(url)
const res = await t.throws(body);


fetch API和axios API之间还有一个主要区别

在使用service worker时,只有当您想拦截HTTP请求时才必须使用fetch API 当使用service worker在PWA中执行缓存时,如果你使用axios API(它只适用于fetch API),你将无法缓存。


