在开发Java web服务客户端期间,我遇到了一个问题。web服务的身份验证使用客户端证书、用户名和密码。我从webservice背后的公司收到的客户端证书是.cer格式的。当我使用文本编辑器检查文件时,它有以下内容:
[Some base64 encoded data]
我可以在Internet Explorer中导入该文件作为证书(无需输入密码!),并使用它进行webservice的身份验证。
I was able to import this certificate into a keystore by first stripping the first and last line, converting to unix newlines and running a base64-decode. The resulting file can be imported into a keystore (using the keytool command). When I list the entries in the keystore, this entry is of the type trustedCertEntry. Because of this entry type (?) I cannot use this certificate to authenticate with the webservice. I'm beginning to think that the provided certificate is a public certificate which is being used for authentication...