是否有一种方法来执行JavaScript和显示使用Visual Studio代码的结果?


console.log('hello world');


通过Visual Studio Code,我指的是来自微软的新代码编辑器 不是用Visual Studio编写的代码。



1) Take VSCode
2) Right click on the file in left pane
3) Click "Reveal in explorer" from context menu
4) Right click on the file -> Select "Open with" -> Select "Choose another program"
5) Check box "Always use this app to open .js file"
6) Click "More apps" -> "Look for another app in PC"
7) Navigate to node.js installation directory.(Default C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe"
8) Click "Open" and you can just see cmd flashing
9) Restart vscode and open the file -> Terminal Menu -> "Run active file".



创建新文件 在里面写javascript代码 保存文件为filename.js 转到调试菜单 点击“开始调试” 或者直接按F5



编辑:阅读这篇关于JS for VSCode的最新配置和特性的文档:https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/javascript


public class tempCodeRunnerFile{
    public static void main(String[] args) {


在visual studio代码上打开集成终端(查看>集成终端) 输入“node filename.js” 按回车键

注意:节点设置需要。(如果你有自制程序,只需在终端上输入“brew install node”)



这很简单,当你在VS Code中创建一个新文件并运行它时,如果你还没有配置文件,它会为你创建一个,你唯一需要设置的是“program”值,并将其设置为你的主JS文件的路径,如下所示:

    "version": "0.1.0",
    // List of configurations. Add new configurations or edit existing ones.  
    // ONLY "node" and "mono" are supported, change "type" to switch.
    // ABSOLUTE paths are required for no folder workspaces.
    "configurations": [
            // Name of configuration; appears in the launch configuration drop down menu.
            "name": "Launch",
            // Type of configuration. Possible values: "node", "mono".
            "type": "node",
            // ABSOLUTE path to the program.
            "program": "C:\\test.js", //HERE YOU PLACE THE MAIN JS FILE
            // Automatically stop program after launch.
            "stopOnEntry": false,
            // Command line arguments passed to the program.
            "args": [],
            // ABSOLUTE path to the working directory of the program being debugged. Default is the directory of the program.
            "cwd": "",
            // ABSOLUTE path to the runtime executable to be used. Default is the runtime executable on the PATH.
            "runtimeExecutable": null,
            // Optional arguments passed to the runtime executable.
            "runtimeArgs": [],
            // Environment variables passed to the program.
            "env": { },
            // Use JavaScript source maps (if they exist).
            "sourceMaps": false,
            // If JavaScript source maps are enabled, the generated code is expected in this directory.
            "outDir": null
            "name": "Attach",
            "type": "node",
            // TCP/IP address. Default is "localhost".
            "address": "localhost",
            // Port to attach to.
            "port": 5858,
            "sourceMaps": false

另一种选择是使用Visual Studio Code中的开发人员工具控制台。只需从帮助菜单中选择“切换开发人员工具”,然后在弹出的开发人员工具中选择“控制台”选项卡。从那里你有相同的开发工具REPL,你得到在Chrome。