#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
   int i = 0;
   i = i++ + ++i;
   printf("%d\n", i); // 3

   i = 1;
   i = (i++);
   printf("%d\n", i); // 2 Should be 1, no ?

   volatile int u = 0;
   u = u++ + ++u;
   printf("%d\n", u); // 1

   u = 1;
   u = (u++);
   printf("%d\n", u); // 2 Should also be one, no ?

   register int v = 0;
   v = v++ + ++v;
   printf("%d\n", v); // 3 (Should be the same as u ?)

   int w = 0;
   printf("%d %d\n", ++w, w); // shouldn't this print 1 1

   int x[2] = { 5, 8 }, y = 0;
   x[y] = y ++;
   printf("%d %d\n", x[0], x[1]); // shouldn't this print 0 8? or 5 0?



int k[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
int i = 0;
int num;
num = k[++i+k[++i]] + k[++i];
printf("%d", num);



num = k[i+1]+k[i+2] + k[i+3];
i += 3





$ cat evil.c
void evil(){
  int i = 0;
  i+= i++ + ++i;
$ gcc evil.c -c -o evil.bin
$ gdb evil.bin
(gdb) disassemble evil
Dump of assembler code for function evil:
   0x00000000 <+0>:   push   %ebp
   0x00000001 <+1>:   mov    %esp,%ebp
   0x00000003 <+3>:   sub    $0x10,%esp
   0x00000006 <+6>:   movl   $0x0,-0x4(%ebp)  // i = 0   i = 0
   0x0000000d <+13>:  addl   $0x1,-0x4(%ebp)  // i++     i = 1
   0x00000011 <+17>:  mov    -0x4(%ebp),%eax  // j = i   i = 1  j = 1
   0x00000014 <+20>:  add    %eax,%eax        // j += j  i = 1  j = 2
   0x00000016 <+22>:  add    %eax,-0x4(%ebp)  // i += j  i = 3
   0x00000019 <+25>:  addl   $0x1,-0x4(%ebp)  // i++     i = 4
   0x0000001d <+29>:  leave  
   0x0000001e <+30>:  ret
End of assembler dump.



In a single operation, read `i` and lock it to prevent access until further notice
Compute (1+read_value)
In a single operation, unlock `i` and store the computed value


If the compiler were to write i++ as indicated above (legal under the standard) and were to intersperse the above instructions throughout the evaluation of the overall expression (also legal), and if it didn't happen to notice that one of the other instructions happened to access i, it would be possible (and legal) for the compiler to generate a sequence of instructions that would deadlock. To be sure, a compiler would almost certainly detect the problem in the case where the same variable i is used in both places, but if a routine accepts references to two pointers p and q, and uses (*p) and (*q) in the above expression (rather than using i twice) the compiler would not be required to recognize or avoid the deadlock that would occur if the same object's address were passed for both p and q.




int x = 5;
printf("%d %d %d\n", x, ++x, x++);



int x = 5;
x = x++ + ++x;
printf("%d\n", x);






printf("%d %d %d\n", x, ++x, x++);

the question is, before actually calling printf, does the compiler compute the value of x first, or x++, or maybe ++x? But it turns out we don't know. There's no rule in C which says that the arguments to a function get evaluated left-to-right, or right-to-left, or in some other order. So we can't say whether the compiler will do x first, then ++x, then x++, or x++ then ++x then x, or some other order. But the order clearly matters, because depending on which order the compiler uses, we'll clearly get a different series of numbers printed out.


x = x++ + ++x;

The problem with this expression is that it contains three different attempts to modify the value of x: (1) the x++ part tries to take x's value, add 1, store the new value in x, and return the old value; (2) the ++x part tries to take x's value, add 1, store the new value in x, and return the new value; and (3) the x = part tries to assign the sum of the other two back to x. Which of those three attempted assignments will "win"? Which of the three values will actually determine the final value of x? Again, and perhaps surprisingly, there's no rule in C to tell us.

You might imagine that precedence or associativity or left-to-right evaluation tells you what order things happen in, but they do not. You may not believe me, but please take my word for it, and I'll say it again: precedence and associativity do not determine every aspect of the evaluation order of an expression in C. In particular, if within one expression there are multiple different spots where we try to assign a new value to something like x, precedence and associativity do not tell us which of those attempts happens first, or last, or anything.



y = x++;
z = x++ + y++;
x = x + 1;
x = a[i++];
x = a[i++] + b[j++];
x[i++] = a[j++] + b[k++];
x = *p++;
x = *p++ + *q++;


x = x++;
x = x++ + ++x;
y = x + x++;
a[i] = i++;
a[i++] = i;
printf("%d %d %d\n", x, ++x, x++);



如果有一个变量在两个或多个不同的地方被修改(赋值给),您如何知道哪个修改先发生? 如果有一个变量在一个地方被修改,而它的值在另一个地方被使用,你怎么知道它使用的是旧值还是新值?


x = x++ + ++x;



y = x + x++;




在printf("%d %d %d\n", x, ++x, x++);的情况下,这很简单-只需将它写成三个独立的printf调用:

printf("%d ", x);
printf("%d ", ++x);
printf("%d\n", x++);


另一方面,在x = x++ + ++x的情况下,没有办法修复它。没有办法编写它来保证它的行为符合您的期望——但这没关系,因为无论如何在实际程序中都不会编写像x = x++ + ++x这样的表达式。


int k[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
int i = 0;
int num;
num = k[++i+k[++i]] + k[++i];
printf("%d", num);



num = k[i+1]+k[i+2] + k[i+3];
i += 3



在前一个序列点和下一个序列点之间,一个对象应该有它的存储值 由表达式求值最多修改一次。此外,先验值 应该是只读的,以确定要存储的值。


操作数的求值顺序未指定。如果试图修改 赋值运算符的结果或在下一个序列点之后访问它的结果 行为是未定义的。