git push是用来做什么的?
git push是用来做什么的?
Git push用于将您在本地存储库上完成的提交添加到远程存储库中。与git一起,它允许人们进行协作。
一个非常粗略的类比:如果我们比较git commit是保存一个编辑过的文件,那么git push是将该文件复制到另一个位置。
A push is done after you have finished all your code saves and commited your code to your Git repo locally. The push command sends your local repository changes (commits only) up to a remote repository so it is updated. When it does this it writes 100% of your changes over the remote repository completely so the two are in sync or the code matches 100% between the two. Think of this as a "Remote Git Save". It writes over the code on the remote repo with what you have locally on your computer. This made no sense to me at first. Would that not erase changes by other developers on the remote? What if the remote conflicts with your changes or you do not have changes in the remote you need first in your local repo? This confused me at first as no one could explain online if this was the same as a "merge", a "commit", "pull request", etc. It turns out this ONLY works under ONE CONDITION. Otherwise it blocks your push and fails!
A "push" only works if you are the only person changing the remote repo and the two code bases are the same other than the commits you added locally. Otherwise, any changes made by another user on that remote will cancel your push. So think of push as a "Private Remote Write Over" of the same copy as on your local rep. But we know many developers will be pushing changes to the remote copy same as you with pushes, right? So push would fail and everyone would be constantly out of synch on their local copy with the remote copy under this design.
As I mentioned, this push is ONLY allowed (not blocked on the remote repo) if the remote repository is in the exact state as your local repository BEFORE you made changes. In other words, you can only push your local change to the remote project and completely write over it with a push if the remote repo has not been modified by any other developer when you push commit local changes up. That is one weird aspect of Git that confuses people. If your local copy of code is out of sync in any way with the remote repo because it has been changed, the push will fail and you will be forced to do a pull or "rebase" which is a fancy word for "update your local repo first with the remote copy". If your push is blocked and you then do a pull, it will copy down the remote code and "merge" its code changes into your local copy. Once in sync again, you can still push your commits up with a push as they should still be present after the pull or merge.
This works perfectly in most cases unless a code change conflicts with commits or code changes you made the other developer also made in the same code area. In that rare case you have to resolve the conflict locally before you can proceed with anything else, as you could erase another developers changes with your own by accident. That is where pull requests (see below) are helpful instead of a push, as the former forces major code changes to be resolved on the remote copy manually by the code owners or admins first before any code is allowed to change the remote repo.
After the push writes over the remote copy with your local copy's commits or changes, the remote matches your local copy exactly. Because they both match, any additional commits or saves you make locally can be pushed again remotely without pulls - as long as no developers have changed the remote like you have. Git will always alert you on pushes if that is the case. You cannot screw it up. You can do "forced" pushes., "rebasing", and other tricks but that's not important. But as soon as other developers push their changes, you are out of sync again and have to do a pull again first before pushing.
Of course you can "force" a push and write over everything anyway. But this system will alert you before you try that. This system of pulls and pushes always works better when one developer is updating one branch in one remote repository they own. It fails as soon as a new person adds or changes anything in the remote. That is what causes pushes and pull alerts and failures until everyone sync's again with the remote. When that is done, the developer has power to push changes as their code matches the remote again. But its better to use the Git pull request command when there are a lot of changes or merges of branches and code going to remote repo's.
Lastly, it is important to note that people developing in Git are almost always encouraged to create a new local and remote repo branch first before making changes to software. In that case, the push and pull makes perfect sense as code changes are then almost always done on an isolated branch of the software by a single developer who never conflicts with other developer changes. This then explains why its common for one developer to work on their own branch, and in that case, push and pull works perfectly, can push/pull changes quickly, never causes code conflicts, and allows the one developer to store copies of their final local changes on a remote repo branch he pushes for merging later into main branches using the pull request system described below.
The remote repo has admins or owners that control critical top branches of code in the remote repo that are being prepared for production. They do not like to merge changes of code into these larger branches without some control over the quality of the code. When you do a pull request you are alerting the admin or remote repo owners that you as a local developer have some finished branch of code and want them to manually pull your local repo code up into the remote repo code. This is the same as a push from a local to a remote repo, but in this case requires it be completed from the opposite direction by top remote repo owners. It also requires a manual code review and approval of changes from the remote repo owners, first.
Why would you need a pull request if you have push and pull Git commands synchronizing and merging code? pull requests work better than pushes in scenarios where lots and lots of people are pulling and pushing huge changes to finished branches with merges to the main remote repo branches and where lots of code could conflict or code added that must be tested or code reviewed first before going to a major release or code base update. Push and 'Pull' works better for isolated smaller branches only one or two developers are working on and sharing. It is much easier to pull and push code between local and remote repos than to merge massive branches of complex remote repo changes into the master branches of a remote repo.
所以rememeber ...
使用“Pull Request”让远程存储库人员将您的小分支合并到远程服务器上的大分支中。
事实证明,pull request也是一种添加代码安全层的方式,当将大型代码堆栈合并到关键的顶级远程时,首先需要管理员或团队成员的许可 项目中分支或分支的合并。因此,它要求团队成员批准大量的本地回购代码更改,并在将它们拉入重要的远程回购分支之前先提交。
This serves to protect code updates to critical branches with code reviews and approvals first. But it also allows remote repos being updated by lots of teams to pause code changes on more important branches and merges before they are tested, approved, etc. This is why small branches of code private to a developer are simply pull and push changes, but larger merges of those branches are typically blocked from pushes by pull requests instead. This is more typical of finished branches using pushes that are then merged into larger branches up the Git tree.
So....always use a commit-pull-push routine when working on your own code changes or sections of projectss assigned to you. Pull down repos first to make sure your local repo has all the latest changes made to it by other developers. Commit or save all your local changes before and after the pull if you like...it doesn't matter. If there are conflicts, try to resolve them locally. Then and only then, do your push to write over the remote copy with your local code. Your local and remote repositories are then 100% in sync in the Git World!
当您推送时,您在本地存储库中所做的所有提交将被传输到远程存储库,因此当共享此远程存储库的其他开发人员进行拉取时,他们将把您的更改传输到他们的本地存储库。 查看Git命令和备忘单。
git commit:追加一个新的提交(最后一次提交+阶段性修改)到本地存储库。(提交文件存储在/.git文件夹中。)
git push, git pull:同步本地存储库和其关联的远程存储库。推—从本地应用更改到远程,拉—从远程应用更改到本地。
---------------- Day 1 --------------------
Message: Completed Task A
Index of files changed: File1, File2
Message: Completed Task B
Index of files changed: File2, File3
---------------- Day 2 --------------------
Message: Corrected typos
Index of files changed: File3, File1
...and so on
我的一天通常以git pull请求开始,以git push请求结束。所以一天记录里的每件事都与他们之间发生的事情相对应。每天,我都要完成一个或多个逻辑任务,这些任务需要修改一些文件。在该任务期间编辑的文件列在一个索引中。
每个子任务(这里的任务A和任务B)都是单独的提交。git add命令将文件添加到“已更改文件索引”列表中。这个过程也称为暂存,在现实中记录更改的文件和执行的更改。git commit命令记录/完成更改和相应的索引列表,以及一个自定义消息,以供以后引用。
git pull
# Make changes to File3 and File4
git add File3 File4
# Verify changes, run tests etc..
git commit -m 'Corrected typos'
git push
简而言之,git add和git commit让您可以将对主存储库的更改分解为系统的逻辑子更改。正如其他的回答和评论所指出的,它们当然还有更多的用途。然而,这是最常见的用法之一,也是Git作为多阶段修订控制系统的驱动原则,而不像其他流行的版本控制系统(如SVN)。