我有2台linux (ubuntu 10.04)机器,ssh-add命令的行为在它们中都是不同的。
在一台机器上,一旦我使用“ssh-add .ssh/identity”并输入密码,密钥就被永久添加了,即每次我关闭计算机并再次登录时,密钥就已经添加了。
我有2台linux (ubuntu 10.04)机器,ssh-add命令的行为在它们中都是不同的。
在一台机器上,一旦我使用“ssh-add .ssh/identity”并输入密码,密钥就被永久添加了,即每次我关闭计算机并再次登录时,密钥就已经添加了。
在Ubuntu 14.04(也许更早,也许仍然如此)你甚至不需要控制台:
start seahorse or launch that thing you find searching for "key" create an SSH key there (or import one) no need to leave the passphrase empty it is offered to you to even push the public key to a server (or more) you will end up with an ssh-agent running and this key loaded, but locked using ssh will pickup the identity (i.e. key) through the agent on first use during the session, the passphrase will be checked and you have the option to automatically unlock the key on login this means the login auth will be used to wrap the passphrase of the key note: if you want to forward your identity (i.e. agent-forwarding) invoke your ssh with -A or make that the default otherwise you can't authenticate with that key on a machine you login to later to a third machine
在Ubuntu 14.04(也许更早,也许仍然如此)你甚至不需要控制台:
start seahorse or launch that thing you find searching for "key" create an SSH key there (or import one) no need to leave the passphrase empty it is offered to you to even push the public key to a server (or more) you will end up with an ssh-agent running and this key loaded, but locked using ssh will pickup the identity (i.e. key) through the agent on first use during the session, the passphrase will be checked and you have the option to automatically unlock the key on login this means the login auth will be used to wrap the passphrase of the key note: if you want to forward your identity (i.e. agent-forwarding) invoke your ssh with -A or make that the default otherwise you can't authenticate with that key on a machine you login to later to a third machine
配置文件的权限应该是600。Chmod 600 config
如上面的评论所述 generalopinion
added_keys=`ssh-add -l`
if [ ! $(echo $added_keys | grep -o -e my_key) ]; then
ssh-add "$HOME/.ssh/my_key"
它所做的是检查ssh-add -l的输出(列出已添加的所有键),如果没有找到它,则使用ssh-add添加它。
由于我有一堆键,我将ssh-add -l的输出存储在一个变量中以提高性能(至少我猜它提高了性能:))
PS:我在linux上,这段代码到我的~/。bashrc文件-如果你在Mac OS X上,那么我假设你应该把它添加到.zshrc或.profile中
编辑: 正如@Aaron在评论中指出的,.zshrc文件是从zsh shell中使用的-所以如果你不使用它(如果你不确定,那么最有可能的是,你正在使用bash),这段代码应该到你的.bashrc文件中。
在Mac OS X Lion系统下,这并没有为我解决同样的问题。最后我补充道:
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa &>/dev/null
我在Ubuntu 16.04上也遇到了同样的问题:一些密钥是永久添加的,对于其他密钥,我必须在每次会话中执行ssh-add。我发现永久添加的密匙同时具有位于~/中的私钥和公钥。SSH和在每个会话上被遗忘的密钥在~/中只有私钥。ssh dir。因此解决方案很简单:您应该将私钥和公钥复制到~/。执行SSH -add前,请先执行SSH命令。
附注:据我从Gnome wiki了解,我的方法是通过Gnome -keyring工具工作的,这是Gnome桌面环境的一部分。因此,我的方法可能只适用于使用Gnome或基于Gnome的DE。