Unable to insert breakpoint Absent Line Number Information
Unable to insert breakpoint Absent Line Number Information
只是为了将来参考,这是答案的相关部分(忽略引用Spring Boot应用程序的事实,在许多其他情况下行为是相同的):
Whenever you set a breakpoint in Eclipse/STS, the IDE tries to set the breakpoint in the VM if you launch an app. That is what happens in your case when you run the boot app in debug mode. For each class that gets loaded into the JVM, the IDE checks whether it needs to set a breakpoint or not. If it decides to set the breakpoint, the tries to do so (using the information from the breakpoint definition in the IDE, including its line number, since you usually set line breakpoints on a source file at a given line). This decision (whether to set the breakpoint on a given loaded class or not) checks the types that you set the breakpoint on, enclosing types, and inner classes. This makes sure that breakpoints for inner classes (even anonymous inner classes) are set to the JVM (and are not ignored). Spring Boot generates an inner class for your controller at runtime (this is the CGLIB generated inner class that appears in the error message). When the JVM loads that class, it tries to set the line number breakpoint of the enclosing type (for this inner class). Since the generated inner class doesn't have any line number information (it doesn't need to have line number information), setting the breakpoint fails for this inner class with the mentioned error message. When the IDE loads the enclosing type (your controller class itself), it also tries to set the line breakpoint and succeeds with that. This is visualized with the check marker on the breakpoint marker. Therefore you can safely ignore the error message that shows up. To avoid this error message to show up, you can go to the preferences (Java -> Debug) and disable "Warn when unable to install breakpoint due to missing line number attributes".
如果上述解决方案不起作用,并且你在做了spring bean注入后开始遇到这个问题,问题可能是你没有为注入类使用接口。尝试使用实现接口的类进行注入可以解决这个问题。下面是一个例子: 无法安装用于创建bean的断点问题
1)在“窗口—>首选项—> Java—>编译器—>类文件生成”下,所有选项必须为True:
(1) Add variable attributes...
(2) Add line number attributes...
(3) Add source file name...
(4) Preserve unused (never read) local variables
2)在项目的.settings文件夹中,找到一个名为org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs的文件。 验证或设置org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.debug.lineNumber=generate
We have very useful information to solve this problem already, but in my specific case, the problem was that as I did an update to my project from the repository, new classes were generated with the compiled source from the newest code. The problem is that I forgot to change the versions of the projects in my POM files and as the breakpoints were set on the new code and the POM files were still pointing to old versions that were available on the JAR files of a previous compilation, the classes from the JAR files were chosen and not the classes from the new code.