Python dictionaries are implemented as hash tables. Hash tables must allow for hash collisions i.e. even if two distinct keys have the same hash value, the table's implementation must have a strategy to insert and retrieve the key and value pairs unambiguously. Python dict uses open addressing to resolve hash collisions (explained below) (see dictobject.c:296-297). Python hash table is just a contiguous block of memory (sort of like an array, so you can do an O(1) lookup by index). Each slot in the table can store one and only one entry. This is important. Each entry in the table is actually a combination of the three values: < hash, key, value >. This is implemented as a C struct (see dictobject.h:51-56). The figure below is a logical representation of a Python hash table. In the figure below, 0, 1, ..., i, ... on the left are indices of the slots in the hash table (they are just for illustrative purposes and are not stored along with the table obviously!). # Logical model of Python Hash table -+-----------------+ 0| <hash|key|value>| -+-----------------+ 1| ... | -+-----------------+ .| ... | -+-----------------+ i| ... | -+-----------------+ .| ... | -+-----------------+ n| ... | -+-----------------+ When a new dict is initialized it starts with 8 slots. (see dictobject.h:49) When adding entries to the table, we start with some slot, i, that is based on the hash of the key. CPython initially uses i = hash(key) & mask (where mask = PyDictMINSIZE - 1, but that's not really important). Just note that the initial slot, i, that is checked depends on the hash of the key. If that slot is empty, the entry is added to the slot (by entry, I mean, <hash|key|value>). But what if that slot is occupied!? Most likely because another entry has the same hash (hash collision!) If the slot is occupied, CPython (and even PyPy) compares the hash AND the key (by compare I mean == comparison not the is comparison) of the entry in the slot against the hash and key of the current entry to be inserted (dictobject.c:337,344-345) respectively. If both match, then it thinks the entry already exists, gives up and moves on to the next entry to be inserted. If either hash or the key don't match, it starts probing. Probing just means it searches the slots by slot to find an empty slot. Technically we could just go one by one, i+1, i+2, ... and use the first available one (that's linear probing). But for reasons explained beautifully in the comments (see dictobject.c:33-126), CPython uses random probing. In random probing, the next slot is picked in a pseudo random order. The entry is added to the first empty slot. For this discussion, the actual algorithm used to pick the next slot is not really important (see dictobject.c:33-126 for the algorithm for probing). What is important is that the slots are probed until first empty slot is found. The same thing happens for lookups, just starts with the initial slot i (where i depends on the hash of the key). If the hash and the key both don't match the entry in the slot, it starts probing, until it finds a slot with a match. If all slots are exhausted, it reports a fail. BTW, the dict will be resized if it is two-thirds full. This avoids slowing down lookups. (see dictobject.h:64-65)
注意:我对Python Dict实现进行了研究,以回答我自己的问题,即一个Dict中的多个条目如何具有相同的散列值。我在这里发布了一个稍微编辑过的版本,因为所有的研究都与这个问题非常相关。
Python dictionaries are implemented as hash tables. Hash tables must allow for hash collisions i.e. even if two distinct keys have the same hash value, the table's implementation must have a strategy to insert and retrieve the key and value pairs unambiguously. Python dict uses open addressing to resolve hash collisions (explained below) (see dictobject.c:296-297). Python hash table is just a contiguous block of memory (sort of like an array, so you can do an O(1) lookup by index). Each slot in the table can store one and only one entry. This is important. Each entry in the table is actually a combination of the three values: < hash, key, value >. This is implemented as a C struct (see dictobject.h:51-56). The figure below is a logical representation of a Python hash table. In the figure below, 0, 1, ..., i, ... on the left are indices of the slots in the hash table (they are just for illustrative purposes and are not stored along with the table obviously!). # Logical model of Python Hash table -+-----------------+ 0| <hash|key|value>| -+-----------------+ 1| ... | -+-----------------+ .| ... | -+-----------------+ i| ... | -+-----------------+ .| ... | -+-----------------+ n| ... | -+-----------------+ When a new dict is initialized it starts with 8 slots. (see dictobject.h:49) When adding entries to the table, we start with some slot, i, that is based on the hash of the key. CPython initially uses i = hash(key) & mask (where mask = PyDictMINSIZE - 1, but that's not really important). Just note that the initial slot, i, that is checked depends on the hash of the key. If that slot is empty, the entry is added to the slot (by entry, I mean, <hash|key|value>). But what if that slot is occupied!? Most likely because another entry has the same hash (hash collision!) If the slot is occupied, CPython (and even PyPy) compares the hash AND the key (by compare I mean == comparison not the is comparison) of the entry in the slot against the hash and key of the current entry to be inserted (dictobject.c:337,344-345) respectively. If both match, then it thinks the entry already exists, gives up and moves on to the next entry to be inserted. If either hash or the key don't match, it starts probing. Probing just means it searches the slots by slot to find an empty slot. Technically we could just go one by one, i+1, i+2, ... and use the first available one (that's linear probing). But for reasons explained beautifully in the comments (see dictobject.c:33-126), CPython uses random probing. In random probing, the next slot is picked in a pseudo random order. The entry is added to the first empty slot. For this discussion, the actual algorithm used to pick the next slot is not really important (see dictobject.c:33-126 for the algorithm for probing). What is important is that the slots are probed until first empty slot is found. The same thing happens for lookups, just starts with the initial slot i (where i depends on the hash of the key). If the hash and the key both don't match the entry in the slot, it starts probing, until it finds a slot with a match. If all slots are exhausted, it reports a fail. BTW, the dict will be resized if it is two-thirds full. This avoids slowing down lookups. (see dictobject.h:64-65)
注意:我对Python Dict实现进行了研究,以回答我自己的问题,即一个Dict中的多个条目如何具有相同的散列值。我在这里发布了一个稍微编辑过的版本,因为所有的研究都与这个问题非常相关。
NB !正如维基百科所指出的那样,开放寻址,也就是封闭哈希,不应该与相反的开放哈希混淆!
它们是哈希表。(参见下面的Python实现细节。) 从Python 3.6开始,一种新的布局和算法使它们 按键插入和排序 占用更少的空间, 在性能上几乎没有成本。 当字典共享密钥(在特殊情况下)时,另一种优化节省了空间。
有序方面在Python 3.6中是非正式的(以便其他实现有机会跟上),但在Python 3.7中是正式的。
<hash> <key> <value>
null null null
...010001 ffeb678c 633241c4 # addresses of the keys and values
null null null
... ... ...
This takes a lot of space, but the lookup time is fairly constant. The key comparison algorithm is to compute the hash, go to the expected location, compare the key's id - if they're the same object, they're equal. If not then compare the hash values, if they are not the same, they're not equal. Else, then we finally compare keys for equality, and if they are equal, return the value. The final comparison for equality can be quite slow, but the earlier checks usually shortcut the final comparison, making the lookups very quick.
[null, 0, null, null, null, null, null, null]
<hash> <key> <value>
...010001 ffeb678c 633241c4
... ... ...
Raymond Hettinger于2012年12月在python-dev上引入了这一点。它最终在Python 3.6中加入了CPython。通过插入排序被认为是3.6的一个实现细节,以便让其他Python实现有机会赶上来。
hash key dict_0 dict_1 dict_2...
...010001 ffeb678c 633241c4 fffad420 ...
... ... ... ... ...
这些共享键字典用于自定义对象的__dict__。为了得到这个行为,我相信你需要在实例化你的下一个对象之前完成你的__dict__填充(见PEP 412)。这意味着你应该在__init__或__new__中分配所有属性,否则你可能无法节省空间。
PEP 509—将私有版本添加到dict PEP 468—保留函数中**kwarg的顺序。 PEP 520—保留类属性定义顺序 PyCon 2010: The Might Dictionary - Brandon Rhodes PyCon 2017:词典更强大-布兰登·罗兹 PyCon 2017:现代Python词典汇集了十几个伟大的想法- Raymond Hettinger dicobject . C——CPython在C语言中的实际dict实现。