import static com.showboy.Myclass;
public class Anotherclass{}
import static com.showboy.Myclass和import com.showboy.Myclass有什么区别?
import static com.showboy.Myclass;
public class Anotherclass{}
import static com.showboy.Myclass和import com.showboy.Myclass有什么区别?
The static import declaration is analogous to the normal import declaration. Where the normal import declaration imports classes from packages, allowing them to be used without package qualification, the static import declaration imports static members from classes, allowing them to be used without class qualification. So when should you use static import? Very sparingly! Only use it when you'd otherwise be tempted to declare local copies of constants, or to abuse inheritance (the Constant Interface Antipattern). In other words, use it when you require frequent access to static members from one or two classes. If you overuse the static import feature, it can make your program unreadable and unmaintainable, polluting its namespace with all the static members you import. Readers of your code (including you, a few months after you wrote it) will not know which class a static member comes from. Importing all of the static members from a class can be particularly harmful to readability; if you need only one or two members, import them individually. Used appropriately, static import can make your program more readable, by removing the boilerplate of repetition of class names.
The static import declaration is analogous to the normal import declaration. Where the normal import declaration imports classes from packages, allowing them to be used without package qualification, the static import declaration imports static members from classes, allowing them to be used without class qualification. So when should you use static import? Very sparingly! Only use it when you'd otherwise be tempted to declare local copies of constants, or to abuse inheritance (the Constant Interface Antipattern). In other words, use it when you require frequent access to static members from one or two classes. If you overuse the static import feature, it can make your program unreadable and unmaintainable, polluting its namespace with all the static members you import. Readers of your code (including you, a few months after you wrote it) will not know which class a static member comes from. Importing all of the static members from a class can be particularly harmful to readability; if you need only one or two members, import them individually. Used appropriately, static import can make your program more readable, by removing the boilerplate of repetition of class names.
import之后的静态修饰符用于检索/使用类的静态字段。我使用import static的一个地方是从类中检索常量。 我们也可以在静态方法上应用import static。确保输入import static,因为静态导入是错误的。
什么是Java中的静态导入- JavaRevisited -了解更多关于静态导入的很好的资源。
package test;
import org.example.Foo;
class A {
package test;
import static org.example.Foo.B_INSTANCE;
class A {
顺便说一句,在你的例子中,“import static org.example.Myclass;”将不起作用:import是针对类的,import static是针对类的静态成员的。
注意:你需要做一个 进口myPackage。MyClass或myPackage.* 用于访问其他资源
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
if (StringUtils.isBlank(aString)) {
import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isBlank;
if (isBlank(aString)) {