在更新到Android Studio 2020.3.1金丝雀15后,当我试图运行模拟器时,它会被这个错误杀死:

AVD Pixel_4_API_30的模拟器进程已终止。



我删除了我的模拟器(也清除了目录:/.android/avd/),并再次创建了一个新的模拟器 我将HAXM安装程序更新到7.6.5版本 我试着用较低的api运行模拟器,但是…



简单的解决办法是从硬盘上释放一些空间 在我的例子中,硬盘中只有2gb的可用空间。 我通过清空垃圾箱腾出了一些空间,现在可用的空间是22gb。




当我升级模拟器时,我也遇到了同样的问题,对我有效的解决方案是: 基本窗口 -删除所有的avd,然后我安装了一个新的。(发布的名字:派,

我通过在Android Studio中更新Android Emulator和Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM安装程序)版本来解决这个问题。这两个组件在android studio更新后都过时了。



Create virtual device using AVD Manager start the emulator if it is showing your emulator has terminated Then go to ("C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Google\AndroidStudio2020.3\log\idea.log") check the issue by scroll down(on bottom you can check) If you are getting the same issue Then go to C:\Windows\System32 directory, search here for file called vulkan-1-999-0-0-0.dll If file is already in directory, then just rename the file into "vulkan-1.dll" else download the file from this link you will have zip file, just extract and paste the vulkan-1-999-0-0-0.dll file and perform the step 8.

Everything Fine. Good Work. Just make a little change. If you have 2 different pixel types appearing on Virtual Device section you have to delete any one of the pixel emulator which you do not prefer for your project. Delete it by clicking drop down arrow > Delete. It'll work for you the way it did for me. If you already have 1 pixel emulator, I might be wrong in telling you that the problem is you need SUFFICIENT SPACE where your ADVs generated OR you need to upgrade the HAXM installer to the latest --v