r = requests.get(url, params={'s': thing})
except requests.ConnectionError, e:
r = requests.get(url, params={'s': thing})
except requests.ConnectionError, e:
# see the docs: if you set no timeout the call never times out! A tuple means "max
# connect time" and "max read time"
DEFAULT_REQUESTS_TIMEOUT = (5, 15) # for example
def log_exception(e, verb, url, kwargs):
# the reason for making this a separate function will become apparent
raw_tb = traceback.extract_stack()
if 'data' in kwargs and len(kwargs['data']) > 500: # anticipate giant data string
kwargs['data'] = f'{kwargs["data"][:500]}...'
msg = f'BaseException raised: {e.__class__.__module__}.{e.__class__.__qualname__}: {e}\n' \
+ f'verb {verb}, url {url}, kwargs {kwargs}\n\n' \
+ 'Stack trace:\n' + ''.join(traceback.format_list(raw_tb[:-2]))
def requests_call(verb, url, **kwargs):
response = None
exception = None
if 'timeout' not in kwargs:
kwargs['timeout'] = DEFAULT_REQUESTS_TIMEOUT
response = requests.request(verb, url, **kwargs)
except BaseException as e:
log_exception(e, verb, url, kwargs)
exception = e
return (response, exception)
Be aware of ConnectionError which is a builtin, nothing to do with the class requests.ConnectionError*. I assume the latter is more common in this context but have no real idea... When examining a non-None returned exception, requests.RequestException, the superclass of all the requests exceptions (including requests.ConnectionError), is not "requests.exceptions.RequestException" according to the docs. Maybe it has changed since the accepted answer.** Obviously this assumes a logger has been configured. Calling logger.exception in the except block might seem a good idea but that would only give the stack within this method! Instead, get the trace leading up to the call to this method. Then log (with details of the exception, and of the call which caused the problem)
search_response, exception = utilities.requests_call('get',
if search_response == None:
# you might check here for (e.g.) a requests.Timeout, tailoring the message
# accordingly, as the kind of error anyone might be expected to understand
msg = f'No response searching on |{search_string}|. See log'
MainWindow.the().visual_log(msg, log_level=logging.ERROR)
response_json = search_response.json()
if search_response.status_code != 200: # NB 201 ("created") may be acceptable sometimes...
msg = f'Bad response searching on |{search_string}|. See log'
MainWindow.the().visual_log(msg, log_level=logging.ERROR)
# usually response_json will give full details about the problem
log_msg = f'search on |{search_string}| bad response\n{json.dumps(response_json, indent=4)}'
# now examine the keys and values in response_json: these may of course
# indicate an error of some kind even though the response returned OK (status 200)...
在响应的JSON结构中缺少一个预期的键应该会产生一个消息“异常响应”。 消息“意外响应”的超出范围或奇怪值 以及存在一个键,如"error"或"errors",值为True或其他,到消息"error response"
... 事实上,在我看来,让这个过程变得更通用是值得的。对于我来说,下面这些函数通常使用上述requests_call将20行代码减少到大约3行,并使大多数处理和日志消息标准化。在你的项目中调用超过几个请求,代码会变得更好,不那么臃肿:
def log_response_error(response_type, call_name, deliverable, verb, url, **kwargs):
# NB this function can also be used independently
if response_type == 'No': # exception was raised (and logged)
if isinstance(deliverable, requests.Timeout):
MainWindow.the().visual_log(f'Time out of {call_name} before response received!', logging.ERROR)
if isinstance(deliverable, BaseException):
# NB if response.json() raises an exception we end up here
log_exception(deliverable, verb, url, kwargs)
# if we get here no exception has been raised, so no stack trace has yet been logged.
# a response has been returned, but is either "Bad" or "Anomalous"
response_json = deliverable.json()
raw_tb = traceback.extract_stack()
if 'data' in kwargs and len(kwargs['data']) > 500: # anticipate giant data string
kwargs['data'] = f'{kwargs["data"][:500]}...'
added_message = ''
if hasattr(deliverable, 'added_message'):
added_message = deliverable.added_message + '\n'
del deliverable.added_message
call_and_response_details = f'{response_type} response\n{added_message}' \
+ f'verb {verb}, url {url}, kwargs {kwargs}\nresponse:\n{json.dumps(response_json, indent=4)}'
logger.error(f'{call_and_response_details}\nStack trace: {"".join(traceback.format_list(raw_tb[:-1]))}')
MainWindow.the().visual_log(f'{response_type} response {call_name}. See log.', logging.ERROR)
def check_keys(req_dict_structure, response_dict_structure, response):
# so this function is about checking the keys in the returned json object...
# NB both structures MUST be dicts
if not isinstance(req_dict_structure, dict):
response.added_message = f'req_dict_structure not dict: {type(req_dict_structure)}\n'
return False
if not isinstance(response_dict_structure, dict):
response.added_message = f'response_dict_structure not dict: {type(response_dict_structure)}\n'
return False
for dict_key in req_dict_structure.keys():
if dict_key not in response_dict_structure:
response.added_message = f'key |{dict_key}| missing\n'
return False
req_value = req_dict_structure[dict_key]
response_value = response_dict_structure[dict_key]
if isinstance(req_value, dict):
# if the response at this point is a list apply the req_value dict to each element:
# failure in just one such element leads to "Anomalous response"...
if isinstance(response_value, list):
for resp_list_element in response_value:
if not check_keys(req_value, resp_list_element, response):
return False
elif not check_keys(req_value, response_value, response): # any other response value must be a dict (tested in next level of recursion)
return False
elif isinstance(req_value, list):
if not isinstance(response_value, list): # if the req_value is a list the reponse must be one
response.added_message = f'key |{dict_key}| not list: {type(response_value)}\n'
return False
# it is OK for the value to be a list, but these must be strings (keys) or dicts
for req_list_element, resp_list_element in zip(req_value, response_value):
if isinstance(req_list_element, dict):
if not check_keys(req_list_element, resp_list_element, response):
return False
if not isinstance(req_list_element, str):
response.added_message = f'req_list_element not string: {type(req_list_element)}\n'
return False
if req_list_element not in response_value:
response.added_message = f'key |{req_list_element}| missing from response list\n'
return False
# put None as a dummy value (otherwise something like {'my_key'} will be seen as a set, not a dict
elif req_value != None:
response.added_message = f'required value of key |{dict_key}| must be None (dummy), dict or list: {type(req_value)}\n'
return False
return True
def process_json_requests_call(verb, url, **kwargs):
# "call_name" is a mandatory kwarg
if 'call_name' not in kwargs:
raise Exception('kwarg "call_name" not supplied!')
call_name = kwargs['call_name']
del kwargs['call_name']
required_keys = {}
if 'required_keys' in kwargs:
required_keys = kwargs['required_keys']
del kwargs['required_keys']
acceptable_statuses = [200]
if 'acceptable_statuses' in kwargs:
acceptable_statuses = kwargs['acceptable_statuses']
del kwargs['acceptable_statuses']
exception_handler = log_response_error
if 'exception_handler' in kwargs:
exception_handler = kwargs['exception_handler']
del kwargs['exception_handler']
response, exception = requests_call(verb, url, **kwargs)
if response == None:
exception_handler('No', call_name, exception, verb, url, **kwargs)
return (False, exception)
response_json = response.json()
except BaseException as e:
logger.error(f'response.status_code {response.status_code} but calling json() raised exception')
# an exception raised at this point can't truthfully lead to a "No response" message... so say "bad"
exception_handler('Bad', call_name, e, verb, url, **kwargs)
return (False, response)
status_ok = response.status_code in acceptable_statuses
if not status_ok:
response.added_message = f'status code was {response.status_code}'
log_response_error('Bad', call_name, response, verb, url, **kwargs)
return (False, response)
check_result = check_keys(required_keys, response_json, response)
if not check_result:
log_response_error('Anomalous', call_name, response, verb, url, **kwargs)
return (check_result, response)
success, deliverable = utilities.process_json_requests_call('get',
call_name=f'checking index {INDEX_NAME}',
required_keys={'_source':{'status_text': None}})
if not success: return False
# here, we know the deliverable is a response, not an exception
# we also don't need to check for the keys being present:
# the generic code has checked that all expected keys are present
index_status = deliverable.json()['_source']['status_text']
if index_status != 'successfully completed':
# ... i.e. an example of a 200 response, but an error nonetheless
msg = f'Error response: ES index {INDEX_NAME} does not seem to have been built OK: cannot search'
logger.error(f'index |{INDEX_NAME}|: deliverable.json() {json.dumps(deliverable.json(), indent=4)}')
return False
mandatory kwarg: call_name; optional kwargs: required_keys, acceptable_statuses, exception_handler. the required_keys dict can be nested to any depth finer-grained exception-handling can be accomplished by including a function exception_handler in kwargs (though don't forget that requests_call will have logged the call details, the exception type and __str__, and the stack trace). in the above I also implement a check on key "data" in any kwargs which may be logged. This is because a bulk operation (e.g. to populate an index in the case of Elasticsearch) can consist of enormous strings. So curtail to the first 500 characters, for example.
是的,我确实知道elasticsearch Python模块(一个围绕请求的“瘦包装器”)。以上所有内容都是为了说明目的。
在发生网络问题时(例如DNS故障,拒绝连接等),请求将引发ConnectionError异常。 在罕见的无效HTTP响应事件中,Requests将引发HTTPError异常。 如果请求超时,则会引发Timeout异常。 如果请求超过配置的最大重定向数量,则引发TooManyRedirects异常。 Requests显式引发的所有异常都继承自Requests .exceptions. requestexception。
r = requests.get(url, params={'s': thing})
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: # This is the correct syntax
raise SystemExit(e)
r = requests.get(url, params={'s': thing})
except requests.exceptions.Timeout:
# Maybe set up for a retry, or continue in a retry loop
except requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects:
# Tell the user their URL was bad and try a different one
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
# catastrophic error. bail.
raise SystemExit(e)
如果你想要http错误(例如401 Unauthorized)引发异常,你可以调用Response.raise_for_status。如果响应是http错误,将引发HTTPError。
r = requests.get('')
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err:
raise SystemExit(err)
404 Client Error: Not Found for url:
r = requests.get(url,timeout=3)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as errh:
print ("Http Error:",errh)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as errc:
print ("Error Connecting:",errc)
except requests.exceptions.Timeout as errt:
print ("Timeout Error:",errt)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
print ("OOps: Something Else",err)
Http Error: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url:
r = requests.get(url,timeout=3)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as err:
print ("OOps: Something Else",err)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as errh:
print ("Http Error:",errh)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as errc:
print ("Error Connecting:",errc)
except requests.exceptions.Timeout as errt:
print ("Timeout Error:",errt)
OOps: Something Else 404 Client Error: Not Found for url:
r ='', data={'birthday': '9/9/3999'})
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:
print (e.response.text)
# see the docs: if you set no timeout the call never times out! A tuple means "max
# connect time" and "max read time"
DEFAULT_REQUESTS_TIMEOUT = (5, 15) # for example
def log_exception(e, verb, url, kwargs):
# the reason for making this a separate function will become apparent
raw_tb = traceback.extract_stack()
if 'data' in kwargs and len(kwargs['data']) > 500: # anticipate giant data string
kwargs['data'] = f'{kwargs["data"][:500]}...'
msg = f'BaseException raised: {e.__class__.__module__}.{e.__class__.__qualname__}: {e}\n' \
+ f'verb {verb}, url {url}, kwargs {kwargs}\n\n' \
+ 'Stack trace:\n' + ''.join(traceback.format_list(raw_tb[:-2]))
def requests_call(verb, url, **kwargs):
response = None
exception = None
if 'timeout' not in kwargs:
kwargs['timeout'] = DEFAULT_REQUESTS_TIMEOUT
response = requests.request(verb, url, **kwargs)
except BaseException as e:
log_exception(e, verb, url, kwargs)
exception = e
return (response, exception)
Be aware of ConnectionError which is a builtin, nothing to do with the class requests.ConnectionError*. I assume the latter is more common in this context but have no real idea... When examining a non-None returned exception, requests.RequestException, the superclass of all the requests exceptions (including requests.ConnectionError), is not "requests.exceptions.RequestException" according to the docs. Maybe it has changed since the accepted answer.** Obviously this assumes a logger has been configured. Calling logger.exception in the except block might seem a good idea but that would only give the stack within this method! Instead, get the trace leading up to the call to this method. Then log (with details of the exception, and of the call which caused the problem)
search_response, exception = utilities.requests_call('get',
if search_response == None:
# you might check here for (e.g.) a requests.Timeout, tailoring the message
# accordingly, as the kind of error anyone might be expected to understand
msg = f'No response searching on |{search_string}|. See log'
MainWindow.the().visual_log(msg, log_level=logging.ERROR)
response_json = search_response.json()
if search_response.status_code != 200: # NB 201 ("created") may be acceptable sometimes...
msg = f'Bad response searching on |{search_string}|. See log'
MainWindow.the().visual_log(msg, log_level=logging.ERROR)
# usually response_json will give full details about the problem
log_msg = f'search on |{search_string}| bad response\n{json.dumps(response_json, indent=4)}'
# now examine the keys and values in response_json: these may of course
# indicate an error of some kind even though the response returned OK (status 200)...
在响应的JSON结构中缺少一个预期的键应该会产生一个消息“异常响应”。 消息“意外响应”的超出范围或奇怪值 以及存在一个键,如"error"或"errors",值为True或其他,到消息"error response"
... 事实上,在我看来,让这个过程变得更通用是值得的。对于我来说,下面这些函数通常使用上述requests_call将20行代码减少到大约3行,并使大多数处理和日志消息标准化。在你的项目中调用超过几个请求,代码会变得更好,不那么臃肿:
def log_response_error(response_type, call_name, deliverable, verb, url, **kwargs):
# NB this function can also be used independently
if response_type == 'No': # exception was raised (and logged)
if isinstance(deliverable, requests.Timeout):
MainWindow.the().visual_log(f'Time out of {call_name} before response received!', logging.ERROR)
if isinstance(deliverable, BaseException):
# NB if response.json() raises an exception we end up here
log_exception(deliverable, verb, url, kwargs)
# if we get here no exception has been raised, so no stack trace has yet been logged.
# a response has been returned, but is either "Bad" or "Anomalous"
response_json = deliverable.json()
raw_tb = traceback.extract_stack()
if 'data' in kwargs and len(kwargs['data']) > 500: # anticipate giant data string
kwargs['data'] = f'{kwargs["data"][:500]}...'
added_message = ''
if hasattr(deliverable, 'added_message'):
added_message = deliverable.added_message + '\n'
del deliverable.added_message
call_and_response_details = f'{response_type} response\n{added_message}' \
+ f'verb {verb}, url {url}, kwargs {kwargs}\nresponse:\n{json.dumps(response_json, indent=4)}'
logger.error(f'{call_and_response_details}\nStack trace: {"".join(traceback.format_list(raw_tb[:-1]))}')
MainWindow.the().visual_log(f'{response_type} response {call_name}. See log.', logging.ERROR)
def check_keys(req_dict_structure, response_dict_structure, response):
# so this function is about checking the keys in the returned json object...
# NB both structures MUST be dicts
if not isinstance(req_dict_structure, dict):
response.added_message = f'req_dict_structure not dict: {type(req_dict_structure)}\n'
return False
if not isinstance(response_dict_structure, dict):
response.added_message = f'response_dict_structure not dict: {type(response_dict_structure)}\n'
return False
for dict_key in req_dict_structure.keys():
if dict_key not in response_dict_structure:
response.added_message = f'key |{dict_key}| missing\n'
return False
req_value = req_dict_structure[dict_key]
response_value = response_dict_structure[dict_key]
if isinstance(req_value, dict):
# if the response at this point is a list apply the req_value dict to each element:
# failure in just one such element leads to "Anomalous response"...
if isinstance(response_value, list):
for resp_list_element in response_value:
if not check_keys(req_value, resp_list_element, response):
return False
elif not check_keys(req_value, response_value, response): # any other response value must be a dict (tested in next level of recursion)
return False
elif isinstance(req_value, list):
if not isinstance(response_value, list): # if the req_value is a list the reponse must be one
response.added_message = f'key |{dict_key}| not list: {type(response_value)}\n'
return False
# it is OK for the value to be a list, but these must be strings (keys) or dicts
for req_list_element, resp_list_element in zip(req_value, response_value):
if isinstance(req_list_element, dict):
if not check_keys(req_list_element, resp_list_element, response):
return False
if not isinstance(req_list_element, str):
response.added_message = f'req_list_element not string: {type(req_list_element)}\n'
return False
if req_list_element not in response_value:
response.added_message = f'key |{req_list_element}| missing from response list\n'
return False
# put None as a dummy value (otherwise something like {'my_key'} will be seen as a set, not a dict
elif req_value != None:
response.added_message = f'required value of key |{dict_key}| must be None (dummy), dict or list: {type(req_value)}\n'
return False
return True
def process_json_requests_call(verb, url, **kwargs):
# "call_name" is a mandatory kwarg
if 'call_name' not in kwargs:
raise Exception('kwarg "call_name" not supplied!')
call_name = kwargs['call_name']
del kwargs['call_name']
required_keys = {}
if 'required_keys' in kwargs:
required_keys = kwargs['required_keys']
del kwargs['required_keys']
acceptable_statuses = [200]
if 'acceptable_statuses' in kwargs:
acceptable_statuses = kwargs['acceptable_statuses']
del kwargs['acceptable_statuses']
exception_handler = log_response_error
if 'exception_handler' in kwargs:
exception_handler = kwargs['exception_handler']
del kwargs['exception_handler']
response, exception = requests_call(verb, url, **kwargs)
if response == None:
exception_handler('No', call_name, exception, verb, url, **kwargs)
return (False, exception)
response_json = response.json()
except BaseException as e:
logger.error(f'response.status_code {response.status_code} but calling json() raised exception')
# an exception raised at this point can't truthfully lead to a "No response" message... so say "bad"
exception_handler('Bad', call_name, e, verb, url, **kwargs)
return (False, response)
status_ok = response.status_code in acceptable_statuses
if not status_ok:
response.added_message = f'status code was {response.status_code}'
log_response_error('Bad', call_name, response, verb, url, **kwargs)
return (False, response)
check_result = check_keys(required_keys, response_json, response)
if not check_result:
log_response_error('Anomalous', call_name, response, verb, url, **kwargs)
return (check_result, response)
success, deliverable = utilities.process_json_requests_call('get',
call_name=f'checking index {INDEX_NAME}',
required_keys={'_source':{'status_text': None}})
if not success: return False
# here, we know the deliverable is a response, not an exception
# we also don't need to check for the keys being present:
# the generic code has checked that all expected keys are present
index_status = deliverable.json()['_source']['status_text']
if index_status != 'successfully completed':
# ... i.e. an example of a 200 response, but an error nonetheless
msg = f'Error response: ES index {INDEX_NAME} does not seem to have been built OK: cannot search'
logger.error(f'index |{INDEX_NAME}|: deliverable.json() {json.dumps(deliverable.json(), indent=4)}')
return False
mandatory kwarg: call_name; optional kwargs: required_keys, acceptable_statuses, exception_handler. the required_keys dict can be nested to any depth finer-grained exception-handling can be accomplished by including a function exception_handler in kwargs (though don't forget that requests_call will have logged the call details, the exception type and __str__, and the stack trace). in the above I also implement a check on key "data" in any kwargs which may be logged. This is because a bulk operation (e.g. to populate an index in the case of Elasticsearch) can consist of enormous strings. So curtail to the first 500 characters, for example.
是的,我确实知道elasticsearch Python模块(一个围绕请求的“瘦包装器”)。以上所有内容都是为了说明目的。